It's a good thing that actual public health professionals look to data to understand risk rather than a comic strip artist's "strong feelings" about obesity. Shaming people for their health status or body weight will not offset the destruction of civilization he's fretting about.
Please refer to this excellent piece in @WIRED that discusses why body weight may not even be a risk factor for #COVID19 at all. In fact, stigma associated with obesity leads to lower quality health care, which is an actual risk factor.
Furthermore, Mr. Adams, who again has no medical, scientific, or public health expertise and is famous for producing a generally unfunny comic about office culture, presents this as a false choice between "political correctness" and economic ruin/destroying civilization.
The reality is we do need to understand individual risks to reopen the economy safely and literally save lives. Political correctness is not considered in calculating COVID outcome risk, and in this case appears to mean Adams is annoyed that he can't freely fat-shame people.
Stigmatizing people based on any risk factors does not help us understand those risk factors in an actionable way that benefits public health, especially when that stigma is completely unsupported by the data and itself may increase individual risks.
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