I'm done watching GoT again. It only served to confirm my opinion about the ending. I see the scene of Tyrion talking to Jon and I see the writers trying to convince the viewers of their narrative choices through the unsubtle dialogue of a character. And it's pathetic.
It is so anti-narrative to see a morally ambiguous character like Tyrion (a character from a fantastic medieval universe) recite this speech clearly invested with a modern morality. Where is the fictional pact, the narrative congruence, the verisimilitude?
The plot of the final season is not simply 'bad' or 'wrong'. It lacks logic, common sense and complexity. It reminds me of the simplistic "fairy tales" where the "villain" dies and the "heroes" get everything they want without any effort, merit or credibility.
The final season abuses clichés to the point of exhaustion, and reduces its story to fallacies such as biological determinism, fatalism and Manichaeism.

It simplifies the plot and the psychology of the characters in favour of mediocre surprise.
Watching GoT again makes me realize that, objectively, the GoT story might not have existed, since everything ends as it began, without any change, evolution or real consequences:
the same privileged people keep their power without any intention of making changes in that oppressive and prejudiced society, even though some of them know the underlying sufferings of that society, because it is not in their political interest for those changes to happen.
And this is disappointing because GoT wasn't just another story. It was a complex and realistic story that loved to set aside Manichean simplicity and embrace the moral ambiguity of its characters and themes.
It was a story made for those viewers who did not hide behind the moral hypocrisies and ethical reductionism of the 21st century to evaluate the actions performed by characters belonging to a medieval universe.
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