Thread: 10 tips for the last 10 nights of Ramadan;
1. If you feel as if you haven’t made the most of your Ramadan or haven’t given it your best, don’t despair! The last 10 nights are still your opportunity to seek forgiveness and rewards. Approach this time With commitment and positivity Insha’Allah.
2. Put immense effort throughout the entirety of the 10 nights of Ramadan. Don’t wait until the 27th night to give it your all.
3. Prepare a short dua list so you know exactly what to ask Allah (swt) for, not just for your self but for loved ones and for the ummah around the word. Especially for those whom are dealing with hardship and extreme struggle.
4. Get your family involved. Don’t forget to wake up your family members and Insha’Allah gain reward and forgiveness together! Nothing beats praying together as a family.
5. Stay well rested during the day. Taking short naps throughout the day will leave you energised for the nights of worship
6. Worship Allah swt looking your best. How we present ourselves has a significant psychological effect, so wear something you feel comfortable and confident in.
7. Prepare where you intend to pray. Unfortunately we can’t attend the masjids so Let’s prepare our homes for worship and remove any forms of distraction!
8. Mix it up! If you find yourself becoming tired, why not vary your acts of worship? If you are reading Qur’an maybe engage your self in some dhikr or watch an Islamic lecture.
9. Remove any forms of distractions. Stray your self away from anything which may hinder your ibadah. This time is so crucial so we should maintain our focus solely on Allah (swt).
10. Although the last 10 days maybe extremely tiring and your emaan may be lower. Renew your intentions and remember how blessed you are to experience the last ten nights. And make the most of Layatul Qadr and the forgiveness you will receive!
May Allah swt keep you all steadfast and increase your emaan. Forgive those who may have hurted you as Allah swt will forgive you. I urge you to make the most of these last 10 beautiful nights as we don’t know if we will experience them again.
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