You guys convinced me. Grabbing a glass of wine and settling in for a good rage read.
So I know I promised a rage read, but apart from gratuitous name dropping, it's not that bad.
"Many of the challenges that this year’s Ph.D.s face are just heightened versions of the ones our graduate students have faced all along."
It even ends with a call for faculty to act:
"Taking more responsibility for the professional lives and futures of our Ph.D. students should be one of them."
Talking about/encouraging students to go off the academic track is done in whispers.
Work experience and describing the "transferable skills" that we honed as PhD students are not given their due in academic training.
Financial concerns are taboo.
The people who are getting to make the decisions about graduate education are the people who "made it." They:
Finished the PhD
Got a TT job and were promoted
So they have a strong survivors bias because they made it.
There is nothing wrong with making it! And people much smarter and more erudite than I like @hralperta and @erin_bartram have done a TON of work on this. But the fact of the matter is that, for many of us, there are not enough life boats.
What next:
Extend funding +make it more robust
Support campus organizing efforts
Track students working outside of faculty roles, incl those who left ABD. See if they are willing to share their roadmaps. PAY THEM FOR THIS. @hralperta has a spreadsheet of ppl to get you started.
You can follow @carolinecprogro.
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