Growing up in the 831 everyone would say the n word. I thought it was okay to say it when singing because everybody else did. As soon as someone educated me I stopped. Many of us were ignorant but some of you continue to use it and that’s beyond ignorance at this point.
When a community tries to educate you and tells you to not say a word, n word, f word, whatever word it is, you need to stop point blank period. Understand that those words come from hatred and we CANNOT use them even if you don’t think you’re racist or homophobic.
I apologize to the black community and all of my friends who are black, for ever using a racial slur. It was not okay and will never be okay. I hurts me to think that I’ve ever said a word that is so hurtful to the people I love.
If anybody unfollows me or stops being friends with me because of this I respect your decision and I understand why would choose to do so.
You can follow @esmealvarez24.
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