while im in the mcd’s drive thru like and i’ll answer
1. on my two accs that r currently active rn .. 123 works combined?? but there’s also tons of old tumblr / http://ff.net  fics that no one shall ever read again. so maybe up to 200 😂
2. according to ao3 it’s 4.3k but that is almost definitely a miscalculation since it includes my multichapter fics and i never write multichap anymore 😂 my oneshots are generally 1k-7k long
3. *bangs fists on table* fake dating!!!! fwb to lovers!!!! childhood friends to enemies to lovers!!!!!
4. you know that magic feeling when the words just Flow from your mind to the computer screen? it’s quite rare but i chase that feeling each time

also reading comments always always makes my day 🥺💕💕
5. the easiest part of writing is when the fic idea just like, aligns with your id so well that the words don’t stop coming 😂 but like i said that’s pretty rare
6. writing pet peeves: when the best ideas always come at 2 am and i’m too tired to write them down and i forget them the next day 🙃
7. i don’t rlly have a writing routine, i just pop on to gdocs whenever i have an idea.. my bad habit is trying to backspace every time i type something that doesn’t come out Perfect rip
8. a line from a wip! i hope i can finish this one day bc this fic has a lot of good scenes heh
9. my current fic idea is kurotsukki college au fwb.. i know i’ve written this for like 20 other ships but i’m weak for the fwb to lovers trope ok! don’t @ me
10. i’m still so soft for this 🥺 (chapter 11 of burn bright, my only sheith longfic)
11. it’s hard to pick a fav scene!! but this is one of those top 10 funny slash romantic moments throughout my fic career: the iconic poutine scene from into you
12. most treasured fic is probably still burn bright.. it’s my favourite piece i’ve ever written 😭

sneak preview from ch1 when shiro pretends to be callboy keith’s bf to scare off a client

12. (cont) honorable mention goes to hot singles in your area (klance) and smother me (iro) for the friendships i’ve made through these fics 🥺🥺🥺 my writing back in 2016 is def not the way i write now, but i’m glad that u guys have stuck around since then 💕
13. methods when writing.. uhhh pull up google docs on my computer or phone and either word vomit onto the page or backspace every other word until it looks perfect. no in betweens
oops i forgot about this lol i’ll finish it up now
14. favorite character: i’m really attached to writing hawks lately, but that’s usually from enji’s pov.. idk i always write my faves from the POV of the person pining for them because i can just project my own undying love for them
15. favorite title.. i would have to say ‘hot singles in your area’ 😂😂 especially because [spoiler] keith actually ends up living in lance’s area 😂
16. according to ao3 lol... did i really write that much fluff back in the day?? i prefer to write angst nowadays 🤷🏻‍♀️
17. lol, no contest 🤪
18. something all my fics have... 🤔 probably character study or mutual pining. when i like a character, i enjoy exploring what goes through their minds (or doesn’t, due to that tasty emotional repression). and what better time to Introspect than when pining? haha
19. goes without saying, but the most important part of writing is to enjoy it!! write what you’re passionate about and the ideas will come. write as if you’re the only person who’s gonna read it- you might be surprised at how many others have the same id as you 😁
19. (cont.) i’ve written so many self-indulgent things and then been told by readers that it’s exactly what they want to see🥺 and even if you don’t post it you can at least be happy knowing you did something awesome for yourself!!
20. a fic that best represents me as a writer.... ok so i was gonna pick burn bright again but i dont wanna sound like a broken record!! 😂
20. (cont) i’m gonna go with There’s No Use Crying Over Spilled Tabasco https://archiveofourown.org/works/22765465  which has pretty much everything i love- angst, pining, unreliable narrator, chaotic humor, and a happy end. 😆 it’s pretty representative of the types of fic i enjoy writing rn!
now that i’m finally done this thread .. i don’t have a soundcloud but here’s my ao3🤔 https://archiveofourown.org/users/rire  also WATCH GINTAMA 😤
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