Bro do u even know what an EXOSOME is bro?

Just remember, all dis-ease is an internal function or dysfunction.

Flu and fever symptoms are a cleansing of toxins in the body.

Those with a healthy constitution will often have a short-lived but violent reaction to an ‘insult’ to the body as a manner of purging toxicity.
Those with great immune systems are more able to throw a higher and more efficient fever to recover.

A fever is an indication of the immune system at work. Think higher revolutions, more acceleration.
You must never suppress a fever. Manage it, but don’t suppress it.
Health and the propensity to illness is due to susceptibility, and there are many factors that affect this: genetics, diet, vaccines, environment, fitness, deficiency in this or that.
Sorry to break it to you (though I hope by now most of you have figured this out) but a virus does not exist in the way you think it does.

This is not a virus: It’s a computer image created by an artist.
Most people don’t even know that a virus is nothing more than dead cellular matter. They have no cellular structure and do not reproduce on their own.

They do not just float through the air and infect you. Species to species infection does not exist.
In fact, you have like 3 trillion inside your body right now.

The only way you can get a so called virus that isn’t already inside you, is if you inject it. One can create a virus by taking damaged animal tissue, incubating it, adding toxic matter & injecting it into your blood.
So how did a virus come about?

First came the idea that there was some unseen small germ of some kind that was causing diseases that they couldn’t explain — Polio being one of them.
In the 1930s, they had an idea, an idea called a virus.

Then they looked under an electron microscope and found a ‘particle’, and they said, “Oh there it is, we’ve found the virus that causes all of the diseases.”
What they didn’t say was, “Oh look, tiny particles, what could they be?”

They never investigated what these particles were, they just labelled it a virus. However, they could never meet the criteria to prove their assumption.

A criteria known as Koch’s postulates.
But that didn’t matter to the shmientists, because THEY FOUND WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR.

All immunisation was based on this idea.
The running theory is that viruses are small pieces of genetic material (DNA or RNA) packaged in tiny protein balls that appear to enter or exit cells.

Viruses have never been proven, it’s just another theory. And the longer something is a theory the less credibility it has.
Fast forward 50 years to the 1990s. Some different scientists discovered exosomes.

And lo and behold, when you look under an electron microscope, exosomes look just like viruses.

They have the same structure and the same genetic material that they said viruses had.
What are exosomes?

Every cell in our body produces them all the time.

Exosomes are produced in greater numbers by the cell as a response & confirmation that an unhealthy process is going on in the body. Eg. toxin, heavy metals, radiation, stress that affect us on cellular level
The exosomes attempt to soak up toxins in the cell and safely remove them from your body.

They will also act as messengers alerting other cells in the body to a particular type of toxic material, so they can do the same.
At certain times of year, our bodies release more exosomes in almost a clockwork fashion — this is why we have a ‘flu season’. It’s completely natural.

Exosomes do not cause illness, they are not infectious, but they do appear to spread around the body.

This is why the test for the bologna-virus is fake and gay.
The test is not for the presence of the virus but for the production of exosomes by the cell, which are essentially indistinguishable from what is identified as the wuhanflu, and therefore the basis for a ‘positive’ test.
So exosomes come from within you body to help, and is a reaction to the real cause of an illness.

The labcoats thought the particles they were looking at were a virus from an outside source, when in fact it’s more likely they are exosomes created by our own body.
A virologist called Thomas Milton Rivers wrote a paper in 1937, where he modified koch’s postulates specifically for viruses.

The paper revealed that there is uncertainty about what viruses really are and that they are highly associated with the host cells...
...and that they could represent, “auto-catalytic processes” which essentially means programmed cell death, when a cell becomes too damaged and destroys itself.

Just how an exosome functions.
So, even in 1937 the jury was out on what a virus was. But they chose to have viruses, they needed them. Because they needed vaccines.

Ask yourself, why?
What is the real cause of the virus they call the corony?

Well illness is a toxic attack from myriad sources. It could be poison or pneumonia type illness from the inhalation of toxic substances.

Stress and FEAR also trigger the cell to release exosomes, as does the common cold
EMF radiation could also be a cause (though a study relating EMF to exosome production has not yet been done) there has been major proliferation of 5G infrastructure, and there is evidence that 5g and EMF in general have negative impact on one’s health, including damaging DNA.
Here is a good rabbit hole to go down if you’re more interested:

Soviet experiment documents from the 70s
It’s possible that this is not one toxic exposure, but an accumulation of causes at the same time in the same area.

The constellation of upper respiratory symptoms are very unspecific and could be caused by 20+ different illnesses.
We all know this by now, but its worth reiterating:

The death count could have many different causes but are all conveniently lobbed in to one.
Obviously don’t get coronychan vaccine unless you want to be infected with Bill Gates gayjuice.

In fact, don’t get any vaccine, ever. You don’t need them.
Vaccine has its root in the word ‘vaca’, which means ‘cow’, ‘cattle’ and ‘chattel’.

Interesting word choices there, eh.
RT so more people don't decide to inject themselves with Gates Foundation retardjuice, formaldehyde and aborted fetal tissue!

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