It's very possible Kusher was going behind President Trump's back to do dishonest stuff, given his religious allegiance to the nation of Israel. Whether he intended to hurt President Trump or not is not clear, but Kusher's activities definitely appear to be suspicious at least.
Far too long has our nation allowed Israeli spies to damage our nation from the inside. Fox News tried to report on it once, but you can guess how that turned out. Look:

Israel Spying on USA? (censored report by Fox News)
I support the people of Israel, but I also oppose any foreign nation spying on us, even if we are allies. We must hold the corrupt Israeli government officials accountable who approved this spying, & if Kusher put Israeli interests above Americans, he needs to be exposed. #MAGA
Please note, I shared the article above, & created this thread, to document the questionable activity by Kusher, given recent revelations he may have helped to "justify" the FISA unmasking of Flynn's identity. I do not agree with the pro-Mueller portions of The Intercept article.
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