Top 40 Radiohead songs! (Thread). I know we talk about them a lot here, but they're one of my all time favourite bands, plus I asked and you gave me the okay. So if you're interested, hop in. I put way too much work into this
First off some honourable mentions, these were just shy off the top 40, and If you wanna know my thoughts on them, ask.

Street Spirit, Knives Out, I Might Be Wrong, Bodysnatchers, Karma Police, and Deck's Dark

Now, on to the list
40. All I Need
starting off with this vurnerable, moody song, that to me kind of feels like a sequel to Creep. its a lot less angsty, but the feeling of being small amd unrequited love are back here. The beautiful crescendo always reminded me of Sigur Ros
39. Creep
like most Radiohead fans, I have a love/hate relationship with this song. It's the band most famous tune and yet it doesn't represent. it does represent a youthful angst in a very cathartic way, and I can't really deny it's power
38. Exit Music (for a film)
I live the contrast on this track. the production of the vocals on the first half of the song makes it feel so up close, like Thom is singing inside your ear. And the explosion in the second half is larger than life. Just learned this thing on piano
37. Motion Picture Soundtrack
After a cold, dark album full of sequenced beats and synthetic instrumentation, comes an incredibly human song to send us away. This track feels like a lullaby, a dream even
36. No Surprises
This song manages to be very serene, yet sort of unnerving at the same time. It's msuic video captures that perfectly. It's tge first Radiohead song ive ever heard. loved it as a kid, and still love it to this day
35. I Will
God damn, this song freaks me out. It also strikes and interesting balance, this time between powerless and menacing. It's unclear wether the protagonist of the song is dying, or wants to murder me. Either way, I'm in.
34. Lotus Flower
The standout track on The King of Limbs delivers a hyptonizing and beautiful experience. One of Thom's best vocal performances over a looped beat that feels more alive than anything else on the record
33. Subterranean Homesick Alien
One of the best written songs in the entire Radiohead discography details alien obduction in a very introspective way. It's a song about needing an escape and wanting to fit in, all at once. I havent even mentioned the music but you know it's great
32. Just
This song just flat out ROCKS. It's a quintessential 90's Rock song, and is probably the most fun Radiohead song for me (15 Step might be mad at me later on the list). Always in the mood for it
31. Man of War
Sound wise, I can get why this didnt land on the original Ok Computer, it's a bit less refined than most of the material on the album. But I sure am glad I can hear it now. It does tie in with lyrical themes from the record and the music video ties it all together
30. Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was
This song kind of speaks for itself. Its Beautiful. Go listen to it if you never have, for some reason
29. 2 + 2 = 5
Hail To The Thief's opener busts in with fast paced riffs, breakneck changes and frightening philosophical lyrics. It's Paranoid Android in a smaller package. And yet it's a hell of a statement for the rest of the record to come
28. Morning Bell (I Might Be Wrong version)
Funny enough, this song has 2 studio versions, but this version beats both. It's quite similar to the Kid A one, but unlike the otiginal, here the song jumps out at you. It's so tight, and so alive, and the ending sounds phenomenal
27. The National Anthem
After a cold and calculated start to the record, Kid A's beast unleashes, and the band pulls no stops on this monstrous track. squawking horns, punishing drums and steady base make for Radiohead's heaviest and noisiest track to date. This thing is awesome!
26. Fake Plastic Trees
One of yhe Radiohead songs that arr pretty much etched in our collective memory. It always feels nostalgic to me. Its the best tear-jerker on The Bends and the climax is a gut punch. Legendary song
25. Like Spinning Plates
A song that sends chills down my spine everytime I listen to it. It's one of the band's more experimental and free form songs, but Thom's strained vocal over a jittery instrumental sounds right at home. The live piano version is great too
24. We Suck Young Blood
The spookiest song in the band's catalogue, complete with eerie piano, zombie like clapping and Thom's lyrics that seem pulled from a vampyre version of American Psycho. Can never get enough of it
23. Optimistic
Kid A's Post Rock influence in full force. Don't know if it's yhe linear structure bor the dinosaur line, but this song feels timeless to me. Like it has always existed, and will stay here after we're all gone. The outro is pure bliss
22. A Wolf At The Door
Hail to The Thief's closer is another one where Radiohead balances out 2 completely different feelings. The groove and melody make this feel kind of like a kids song, but a terrifying one. The lyrics really push the paranoia forward
21. Where I End and You Begin
Grooves, Grooves, Grooves. It locks any from the moment you press play and doesn't let go. The cyclical nature of this song always throws me into a loop, and it also has the dinosaur line from Optimistic, which is awesome
20. 15 Step
The opener of my favorite Radiohead album, it sets the album up perfectly. The groove is so unique and always makes me feel off balance. I read a study that found this to be the happiest Radiohead song. I don't if I'd call it happy, but it definitely feels euphoric
19. Pyramid Song
An early favourite of mine, the slow, strange rhythm of the piano on this song leaves me on edge through the entire listen. One of the band's most grandiose songs as well, incredibly powerful
18. Daydreaming
I'll never forget listening to this song for the first time. A Moon Shaped Pool was my first new release as a Radiohead fan. I was so excited when this dropped, but the song was so incredibly sad. So was the PTA directed music video. I wept on first listen
17. Let Down
I can't believe i have this song so low (this band is impossible), every time I listen to this song it punches me in the heart. The vocal melodie on the verses is out of this world. I cant out into words how beautiful this song is
16. How to Disappear Completely
Wow. This fucking song. I think Thom's best lyrical ability is writing these short lines that are so effective they become a part of who I am. "I'm not here, This isn't happening" is one of those. funny enough, it's line Micheal Stipe told him. 1/2
Musically this song is haunting, ghostly and just incredible 2/2
15. Nude
Thom Yorke might be an angel. I'm serious. The vocals here are mot human. Yet so human and vulnerable at the same time. The warm bass and light guitar are likea soft bed for one of my all time favorite vocal performances ever to just lie on. Magic
14. Burn The Witch
Holy Shit. This song is different than anything the band put out prior, and also really different to the rest of A Moon Shaped Pool, yet it works so well. The strings feel out of a slasher movie, cutting through me on every beat.
"We know where you live"
13. Paranoid Android
Radiohead's multi phased opus is the mission statement of OK Computer. Every section is masterful and they all flow very well. This is the song I'd use to introduce people to Radiohead. I think it's song that's closest to represent their entire work
12. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
I havent said a single word about Phil Selway so far, and this might be the best place to mention him. The drums on this song aren't flashy or complicated, but they deliver the emotion of track.
The tight loops the carry most of the song open up on the outro and amplifybthe bittersweet feeling of release. Every other aspect of the song is masterful, too. Man, I love this song
11. Life In a Glass House
The Jazz ballad that closes Amnesiac is one of the most emotionally gripping songs I've heard. The lyrics detail the struggle of living under a magnifying glass and walking on ice, and the songs fragile, yet epic instrumentation delivers it perfectly
Top 10 time!
All the songs coming up are honestly good enough to be number 1. But this will be their order for now
10. Videotape
Get your tissues out. It's amazing how a song this sad is also really fucking smart. The bare drums mimick the looping of a tape, and the whole song feels like the last flashes of your life, one must see right before they die. I feel like crying just writing this
9. There, There
This is, in my opinion, Radiohead's best straight up rock songs. The linear structure builds up perfectly to an explosive outro. It's impossible for me not to shout the lyrics, whoch are fantastic by the way.
Referring to the xenophobic panicked public as babies, the song is perfectly written. "We are accidents waiting to happen"
8. Ful Stop
A Moon Shaped Pool's centerpiece takes note of earlier fast, cyclical Radiohead songs, and turns chaos into regret. The bouncing back and forth of the vocals on the climax of the song are hypnotizing and trance like. One of the band's most creative and emotional songs
7. Everything In It's Right Place
The band's best album opener sets the mood for the rest of Kid A like almost no other song ever did. slowly letting us in to a cold world, distant yet tangible, where evrything stands exactly in the same place, only slightly to the side
6. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Pop perfection. This song is like drigs to me. Everything about it is so intoxicating and addictive. The guitars and drums swirl like lights on a dance floor and the amazing lyrics describe a night of exciting sensations and missed connections.
Every moment on it is fleeting, but will stay with me forever
5a. True Love Waits (I Might Be Wrong version)
Written in 1995, this live staple made the rounds for 21 years. But it's first big stop was here. Maybe the simplest song in band's catalogue, but the strung out guitar, and Thom's aching vocals sell the sentiment of the song so well
5b. True Love Waits ( A Moon Shaped Pool version)
No, I couldn't decide which one I prefer. The studio version of this song, is a lot less replayable, but damn does it hit.
It's honestly impossible to listen to A Moon Shaped Pool alway the way through and not cry when that final "Don't leave" comes in, washing me away with a sea of remorse and simple, honest love
4. Present Tense
Surprisingly enough, there's a song on the album I love even more. "In you I'm lost" is my favourite Yorke one liner. like I said in a different post, this line and the whole song dance on the line between saying I love you, and saying goodbye.
It melds the two into one. The sweet, sexy, yet melancholic Bossa Nova rhythm of the song just takes this feeling into a different world entirely
3. Climbing Up The Walls
Such an underrated OK Computer song. It's so fucking tense, I'm on the verge of exploding listening to it. It's the physical embodiment of paranoia.
I'm a little kid and there's a monster in my closet. The only thing that can help me is Johnny Greenwood's best guitar solo
2. Reckoner
can't believe this song exists. Its too perfect. Everyone on top form here. Phil with the Trip-Hop beat, Johnny and Ed with the gentle, yet pulsating guitar lines, Colin with a slick bassline and Thom croonig like some damn magical fairy over the whole thing. Fuck yes
You know what is, right?
1. Idioteque
A lot of you already know this. But yeah, I'm absolutely in love with song. There's nothing better than listening to an album and have a song that never stood out to you suddenly pop out and shout in your face "I'm here!"
That happened to me on my 10th or so listen of Kid A. This minimal 4 minute song just picked me apart. I've always seem Kid A as a battle between man and machine, a look into the future was so scared of on OK Computer. Idioteque is the best represntation of this battle.
Thom's panicked and frantic vocals playing catch with the skittery beat. The song also happens to be a fucking BANGER. Even more so live. If you've never seen Thom dancing while they're performing this, fo to YouTube right now
Thank you so much for reading this (if you actually have, and didn't just skip to the end, even though that's cool too). If you enjoyed/hated this let me know, and RT either way
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