🧵Thread: How did Hitler do it?

How did Hitler rise to power?
Who controlled Hitler?
Do you know the real history?

In this thread, I'm not only going to explain how Hilter took over, I'm going to [make a huge connection] that some people might not have made. [Enjoy 🍿] ↙️⬇️↘️
Hitler didn't just rush in & take over like some people say. He had to gain power first. His rise to power was through politics, the people gave him control. But why would the people elect such an evil man?

The truth is, the people didn't know how evil he was. ↙️⬇️↘️
Hitler talked about things like equality (equal rights), free healthcare, free school, free daycare & a living wage. People felt like socialism was [for the greater good] of everyone.

That's how he was able to gain control over every major function of the country. ↙️⬇️↘️
Everything became government controlled & tax went up to 70%. Hitler controlled the news (information), people only heard what he wanted them to hear.

That's how he was able to hide all the bad stuff he was doing & promote himself as a good guy.
People didn't know he was slaughtering handicapped people. They didn't hear about the concentration camps. People just heard how good everyone was living & that there were a lot of jobs.

Crosses & prayer were taken out of school & replaced with PE & mental conditioning. ↙️⬇️↘️
Everything being taught was government controlled. Hitler was able to control the masses by controlling money, information, entertainment & education.

Next, Hitler targeted people's guns. First he convinced people that guns should have serial numbers so they could. ↙️⬇️↘️
Stop criminals. That didn't work so Hitler convinced the people that the only way to stop criminals is for everyone to turn in their guns, & they did.

The guns that weren't turned over to the Nazi's could be tracked by they're serial numbers. The people were unarmed. ↙️⬇️↘️
Now let's look at the big picture.

Hitler wanted to be the one world leader of the one world Nazi government. [A New World Order].

He was [depopulating] the earth of people he didn't think were worthy and/or he saw as a threat.

He [controlled] the flow of [information].
Nazi's also preformed experiments on people to learn how to control peoples minds. Not just individually, but the masses.

Socialism was the perfect platform for Hitler because it gave the Nazi government full control of everything.

Was Hitler acting on his own?
I think Hitler was part of the Deep State, & the plan was to take the world by force, and/or a way to experiment on peoples minds. Even though the by force part failed, the Nazi plan didn't stop. Nazi's wrote the playbook on mind control & manipulating the masses,
& it's still being used. Here are a few facts that will help you understand why I think this.

Hitler put fluoride in the water to keep people more docile. The United States sold him the fluoride.

Operation Paper Clip: After WW2, Nazi scientists were
brought to the United States & put to work (documented).

Operation Mockingbird: The CIA coordinated with the Mainstream Media to manipulate the information given to the American people (documented).

What's going on now in the United States is not about a side (R or D),
but the Democrats are using the Nazi strategy to try and gain full control of the country. [They] call it Democratic Socialism. Definition, a Democratic government. Meaning, they want [full control].

[They] don't want to go by the Constitution. [They] want to writ the rules.
Fact, there are people actively trying to take away what freedom we have left. We can't let that happen.
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