Ok so this is probs one of the most emotional and complicated tweets I will ever type. Here we go My Life Changing: A thread.

So as of tomorrow Aly and I will be mommas. Aly is flying out of state to pick up our 4 year old. Shes not in a safe environment and that had to change.
Seeing as how my sister, Aly, and I are the only people that care she exsists and was in this danger we are the only ones who could do anything and it was us or foster care. Now this is going to be a tough and worth while change in a lot of routine. Please bear with me if my
streaming schedule gets a bit hectic as we adjust I promise I'll try to get back to bushiness as normal as soon as we can. However we are taking in a traumatized toddler at a moments notice, we thought this would be a slow legal exchange, and it instead was massively expedited by
child protective services saying come get her now heres the paperwork through us that takes no judge or lawyer's, just get her out of here and safe. So we just spent Alys last 1200 on tickets there and back for her and a child. The only extra funds I have right now are for the
mutual aide work we've been doing. If anyone out there can and wants to help however we do have to buy a bed within 24 hours, buy clothes, toys, we have to buy 2 weeks worth of food because Maine require quarantine when coming in from out of state. So whole house will be locked
down. You can donate via paypal or stream dono link and we love and appreciate all of you and all you do during this time. I'm excited you'll get to meet our daughter Athena soon, and that we now know she has a safe happy home. Thanks again for being the most amazing community.
And first comment to amazing peeps I know will care and some of my people who help with rt and visibility stuff like @theserfstv @RodrigoMazn @Sandrock323 @belle_toast @Edrialyse @CamazotzA @mecasloth and anyone else who sees this and cares <3
and yes I will be making Athena an amazon wishlist so people can send her gifts :P
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