Dia mcm tu je, aku sarcasm sikit kt twitter baru nk reply email yg berminggu.
Napok sangat la ade org duk intai sokmo tweet aku.
Idc when I took the picture, that picture is mine.
Start to talk abt maturity, ffs stop talking abt something that you dont have one.
Dont you feel stupid enough bila masih simpan gambar yg ex ambik tapi ada bf lain?
Thats all. Skrang tkdok la org duk tnye aku pasal aku break dok agi ngan mu.
Pe taik ekpung nama aku tebeng siap. Mula ah org duk tnye. Wohla mnde gitu dokleh mikir. Phtu start cakap pasal matang? You kidding me?
Oh I know you will read this thread :) LMAO
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