This woman I've been conversing with about YC is clearly is purposefully ignorant of his crimes outside of drugs so she can still support him. She says this after my first comment saying his issues started in 2016.
She also thinks I've "dedicated [my] life to him and his crimes." Like seriously? Far from it. She continues, "Good for you. We need more justice Warriors for women's right. I hope you are successful in getting him prosecuted for his crimes. I really hope you do." I respond
We've had a long back and forth, but this thread basically boils it down. Oh and she also said, "Because I'm not joining you on your rant and speak about the things you say he did I'm ignorant?" 🙄 It's her refusal to learn anything about YC's 2016 cases that makes her ignorant.
I told her she should look things up and draw her own conclusions because YC is not the sort of many ANYONE should support. If she knows all the facts, including the ones I gave her about SK, and still supports him, that's her informed choice to make. I strongly disagree but...
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