one day we will have a very serious and honest conversation about people that assume claim to non-binary and queer identities on paper and online because it sounds good.
i noticed this as a very huge trend in 2015 among gay men turning towards non binary identity to distance themselves from the violence of man and patriarchy. this occurred during the height of violence against black trans women.
like it’s so disturbing to witness cis men making an ideological and philosophical shift towards non binary identity while enacting and upholding patriarchal violence and behavior patterns.
and this is not to say that one cannot claim non binary identity and still be read as cis men due to their appearance because this happens and must be interrogated.
nonbinary or trans indenity doesn’t absolve anyone from taking accountabity for the ways they use/manipulate gender idenity to get away with violent, patriarchal behavior patterns.
thoughts from the shower. now back to washing my hair.
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