The manner in which we Kenya as a country are behaving as a country of late is concerning me. A lot of the measures, put in place so as to limit the spread of COVID-19, are now being neglected and taken for granted. We have let the little success we have achieved, while dealing,
with the corona virus defeat us. Please, lets continue to apply the principal that made us achieve the relative small success we achieved, which was acting as if we already have the virus. Where masks when in public places, and avoid adjusting it frequently, or moving it downward
-s, the Matatu regulations should be re-enforced, since most of the matatus have resumed operating normally. The border of Kenya-Tanzania should already been have closed. Reports suggest that Tanzania health system is overwhelmed by the corona virus. This should be a no brainer.
However, I am a concerned citizen, since off late, the news have been dominated by the politics of Jubilee party rather than the fight against corona virus. While i agree life must move on, we have not reached a stage where Kenyans can begin returning to normalcy, not just yet,
Media outlets should continue relaying the message of social distancing, and practise of hygiene, rather than reporting the amount of money Senator Murkomen has lost, as a result of his dismissal. The fight has only begun, we have not even worn a battle, leave alone the war.
The fight has only begun. If we return to behave normally, then as Mutahi Kagwe wasn't wrong whem he said the disease will treat us abnormally. To conclude, the presidents cavalier attitude is simply disheartening, instead of leaving majority of the work with the Ministry of,
Health, he should be the face of the nation while dealing with virus, as he was during the beggining of this pandemic. @AgollaJaGem @ThisIsMboya
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