Quote-tweeting my answer to @GerLuongo not as criticism, but because my answer to her is to everyone:
Do not engage your Fox-watching relatives on this. There is no convincing them, because they do not - and will not - understand any of it. Nod and express quiet disapproval. /1 https://twitter.com/GerLuongo/status/1260679741721530368
I've been thinking about this for a while, because it runs counter to my teacher instincts. But at this point, I think people who engage are setting themselves up to be sucked dry by a kind of emotional vampirism from people who want to argue because they know they're wrong. /2
They want to argue with you because they're fanatics, and, as John Le Carre once wrote about fanatics, "every fanatic harbors a secret doubt." They want to argue with you because they're insecure. There is no way to break through. They will be mad and so will you. /3
I think for most people, the right answer is to nod and say: "I understand. I think you're wrong, and that you're relying on a lot of bad information. But I know I won't convince you. And you know that Trump is someone you should be ashamed of voting for. Pass the potatoes." /4
Your Fox-addicted relatives want to argue with you not to convince *you*, but to reassure *themselves.* When someone feels they have to harangue you about Trump or Jesus or why Led Zeppelin sucks, it means they're trying to soothe their own doubts.

Wait. Not that last one. /5
They want to argue with you because they want you to *affirm* them. Don't do it. Hold your ground. Tell them they should be ashamed of themselves for supporting what they're supporting, and then tell them you love them anyway and move on. If they won't stop, leave the room. /6
I wish I had better advice, but trying to deal with insecure, angry Trumpers in the middle of a pandemic is too much to ask of people. Make clear your position, and how you feel about theirs. Do not risk being sucked into a black hole of stupidity from which there is no exit. /7x
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