Okay I see what you are doing and I will deal with them one by motherfucking one.

(also note how he combined two different things, "spontaneous miscarriages and therapeutic abortions) https://twitter.com/DrChikadibia/status/1260652322935324673
The post abortion triad occurs in 15% of abortions

It has been consistently described as a "really bad period" in multiple researches and is to be expected seeing as both larger volumes of blood and conception products are being expelled.
Your cervix has to dilate more, and as a result, you'll feel more pain and the PMS and menstrual symptoms worsen
No 2. on that list.
Hematometra is retained blood in the uterus when the cervix fails to dilate enough for expulsion. It causes acute pain and if untreated, infection.
It is also so incredibly rare (0.1 per 100) and is linked to conditions including uterine and cervical cancers, bladder surgery, lower intestinal surgery and cancers, exploratory laparatomy, hysterectomy
Abortions are far down the list they are almost negligible, and all cases are reported in, say it with me, UNSAFE ABORTIONS
No. 3

Retained products of conception (RPOC)
These are more common than the others and occur in 1-6% of medical abortions. The incidence rate also increases in the later trimesters.. which is why access to safe, legal abortions are so important
RPOC can also harbor infection if untreated, leading to points 6&7 on that list... these occur more frequently in.. say it with me.. magic phrase of the night: UNSAFE ABORTIONS
Uterine perforations and bowel and bladder injury occur more frequently when done by quacks and I will not sit here and allow him to continue insulting my intelligence.

I'm done here.
The reason I "went after him" is because originally when told that legal abortions are safe, he brought up late term abortions as an example of how unsafe abortions can be.
At NO point had anyone mentioned late term abortions, he came in all gun ho and had to be reminded that we have brains

He also seems to be under the impression that he is the only one that has managed abortions and the rest of us are googling.
Now, there's something I will say.

This guy is going with the fearmongering approach which is why he keeps bringing up death, cervical incompetence (like cerclage is not a thing) and the most terrifying in his mind; infertility as a way to push contraceptives.
At no point in this thread have I argued against contraceptives.

But contraceptives can and do fail

If he wants to push the contraceptive angle, then that's fine.

But he DOES NOT get to terrify you with big words
I will always say this: read and study yourself, know how your body works, explore the available plans and then when ready, go for family planning and contraceptives.
In the OFF chance that they do fail, or the choice of unprotected sex was taken away from you (like in cases of rape) then you also have options.

Do NOT let this sway you.

Read up, get a good doctor and plan out your life
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