Buffy characters as bizarre Riverdale plot points: A thread that happened because I just need to do this okay?
Buffy - Jughead faking his death
Willow - The entire existence of Dark Betty
Xander - Archie escaping from prison via dungeons and dragons ripoff somehow
Giles - The main characters driving the principle of their high school out of town for banning them from prom
Spike - Cheryl bribing Archie to date her
Angel - Cheryl giving Josie a pig heart as a gift(?)
Cordelia - The cheerleading squad performing "jailhouse rock" outside of a prison
Oz - Archie getting mauled by a bear
Anya - Evelyn turning out to be a grown woman masquerading as a teenager to harvest the organs of actual teens
Tara - Archie confessing to a murder he was in no way involved in for reasons I can't even remember
Faith - Betty having the serial killer gene
End of thread. I tweet for myself and only myself goodnight god bless
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