I have two takes on the unmasking list: First, it's probably not a good idea to reflexively assign guilt or nefarious intent to unmaskers - it's pretty clear that antennas were up on any and all Russian comms during that period, and unmaskings aren't requested by name. Nobody...
...said, "Give me all the Flynn cuts from the Russian intercepts" - they asked NSA to unmask "Person 1" or "USCIT 1" in an otherwise masked intercept, and it would not be that unusual to do so under the circumstances that existed at the time.


The Samantha Power angle...
...makes no sense whatsoever - she has vehemently, and IMHO credibly, denied under oath that she was knowingly behind the ridiculous number of unmaskings attributed to her. Screams out for further clarification/investigation.

And finally, the only thing I really care about...
...regarding these unmaskings - Who leaked the Flynn/Kislyak call. That's all that really matters - and all that will stick, once revealed. All of these people can credibly claim that they were simply trying to make sense of these interactions under the suspicion briefed to...
...them by the FBI and intel community. The IC has the right and the duty to determine is anything nefarious is occurring between Americans and foreigners - the politicians have the authority - perhaps a policy that needs revisiting - to request unmasking for the same reason...
...which is to understand the entirety of the subject matter and connections masked in the intercept. Do I think they did so for reasons other than those they claimed on their unmasking request - absolutely. Can we ever prove it? Absolutely not. So I wouldn't waste time...
...throwing out accusations, however intuitive and likely accurate - that have zero chance of being substantiated beyond speculation. My focus would be on contact tracing of everyone who unmasked the infamous Kislyak/Flynn call and everyone who had access to it, with the goal...
...of identifying the leaker. That person is a felon, and that person is likely a name we know well. We should look for that person.
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