Get a feel for how this retrograde may affect you!

Take what you need leave what you don’t
Venus Rx in Gemini (May 13th-June 25th) will encourage us to think about our relationship with ourself, with money, and what we need from other ppl. It’s time to think about how you show up for others and what needs you may be neglecting.
The relationships you have with others will play a role in how you see yourself, but the most important relationship you need to focus on will be your relationship with yourself.
Use this thread to think about your needs and how you can best take care of yourself this Venus rx.
Check for your RISING AND VENUS
ARIES: you’ve been neglecting yourself. It’s time to find joy in the everyday things that make you happy. You’re not ready for the fulfillment you seek because you are looking for it in all the wrong places.
With most retrogrades you’re not ready to settle into anything long term or serious. This is a good time to re-examine your passions.
TAURUS: surrender to the changes that will take place this retrograde. These changes will be in your best interest. They are leading you on a new path. You can only do this when you face your fears.
GEMINI: this rx will should you how any imbalances in your relationships with other people. It’s time to think ways you can really take care of yourself. Be gentle on yourself this rx.
CANCER: it’s time to say how you really feel. You’ve been holding back. First connect with yourself by asking yourself where your feelings are coming from. You’re more connected to your emotions than you think.
Once you can accept your feelings as valid you will be able to share them with the people around you. They will listen. If you neglect your feelings you will continue to ignore your intuition and self-sabotage your relationships. Trust your intuition.
LEO: the issues you’ve been avoiding will come back to haunt you this rx. You cannot move forward until you face your fears. You’re read for change but your bad habits are keeping you in a place of complacency. You have more to offer than you think.
VIRGO: give yourself credit where credit is due. You’ve worked hard to be where you are. You don’t need anyone else’s validation. Show your self some self love, appreciation, and care this rx.
LIBRA: soothe your heart this rx. You’re ready to release the sorrow you’ve been carrying. If not you’ll continue to project it on to those around you. Take time to appreciate what you have. Be gentle with your heart, you’re not that great at hiding your pain.
SCORPIO: it’s time to release the things that have been holding you back from being where you want to be. This rx will give you the guidance you need to make the next move.
SAGITTARIUS: give yourself the love you’ve haven’t been receiving. This rx has the potential to show you the worst of your relationships. Take care of yourself by giving back to yourself. You’re more than worth it.
CAPRICORN: this rx will show you want you actually need out of your relationships with other people and yourself. Use this time to think about what your needs are and how you’ve neglected them in the past. Only then will you be ready for the new things coming your way.
AQUARIUS: it’s time to evaluate what you’re trying to accomplish. Why are you doing what you’re doing in the first place? Use this time to practice asking for help, you don’t have to do this alone.
PISCES: accept and appreciate what you have. This is a time to show gratitude for all of the good things in your life even if everything feels like it’s falling apart. Be intentional about your coping mechanisms.
Hope this is helpful! The universe has your back, don’t let this retrograde scare you!
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