Self-improvement Twitter is a funny thing...

You've got:

-Divorced men failing to mention the plates they spin are actual plates from the Saturday night all you can eat buffet at wok & roll.

-Metasomethings spiraling out from bad shrooms or bc Mercury is in Gatorade.

-The resurrected ancient philosopher avi guys who spit out feel good quotes constantly.

-Betas pretending to be alphas spamming their 50% price reduction to the "teach you how to be a better man club"; members only jackets cost extra.

-Betas pretending to be alphas testing out the harem theory by dming every wahmen with a decent avi. Forgets to tell wahmen he has a wife, 2 kids, & a white picket fence.

-Real alphas who can't even if you aren't eating an entire cow in one sitting while chugging black coffee to wash it down & securing the next meal by hurling your lambo at it.

-The fear mongers; It'S aLl OvEr LeT's BuRn ThIs MoThEr DoWn

-The monkey guys; everything is bc of biology.

-Trauma chicks posting sad songs & bad art

-Wahmen who are secretly destroying their own gender while screaming how to be feminine because they realized they aren't ackshually princesses like daddy said.

You can follow @Cakeinacrisis_.
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