Facts do not win arguments.

Understanding and empathy win arguments.

This is going to be a bit of a discussion, so bear with me.

1/n https://twitter.com/CDNEnergyCentre/status/1260573370216861705
Let's say there is a definitive truth that we can call a fact. Already that is a big assumption. Definitive truth is hard to find. Things like CO2 emissions, environmental progress are more like factual concepts that require context to evaluate.

Perhaps another type of fact is one that suggests priorities.

eg: Oil and Gas employs hundreds of thousands of Canadians and is a huge provider of taxation income for governments.

That is true.

But if your values are pro-environment, you may say "you cannot put the jobs before the environment."

Dear oil industry, this person's priorities are different than yours. Not wrong. Not misguided. Just different.

This is ultimately about values.

My values are different than yours. Everyone has a different value profile.

So if mine are different than yours, how can I communicate with you?

To be heard, to change minds the communicator MUST adapt the audiences value position.

Successful communications are about the audience, not the communicator.

Why does the @CDNEnergyCentre consistently fail in its' communications?

Because it serves to promote the Governments point of view, not the audience.

Sure, some people like the message. We call them the 6's and 7's. Others hate it - the 1's and 2's. But mostly it fails to land with the primary audience - 3's 4's and 5's.

This is a twitter thread and not a book, so unpacking all the ideas here is impossible.

But here are two take-aways:

1. The audience matters more than the communicator.
2. Facts don't change minds.

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