U.S. intelligence was investigating Flynn pre-election. That's why Obama told Trump, "don't hire him." And Trump pal Chris Christie said, "don't hire him." But Trump liked Flynn's secret Russia dealings—so he hired him. The feds continued investigating him because it's their job. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1260646308941123584
PS/ Republicans are so up their own butts on Mike Flynn that *every* critique they make of the Obama administration *starts* from an assumption no one in law enforcement shares—that there was no basis to investigate him. Of course there *was* and the feds were doing their *jobs*.
PS2/ Let me state this plainly: Trump knew Flynn was having clandestine dealings with Russia during the election campaign and he *cheered them on* because he wanted to do business in Russia and wanted Russian election aid. It's *his own goddamn fault* that *all* of this happened.
PS3/ It would've been *gross dereliction of duty* if the FBI and CIA hadn't tracked Mike Flynn pre- and post-election—*not* because he was a Trump adviser, but because *he was working to sell U.S. foreign policy to hostile foreign powers.*

Obama *tried* to save Trump and failed.
PS4/ Consider: if Obama and Biden were secretly trying to ensnare Trump, why the *hell* did Obama directly tell Trump not to hire Flynn? It's one of the chief questions no Trumpist conspiracy theorist can explain: why did Obama try to *warn* Trump, if he was trying to *hurt* him?
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