If we’re going to keep electoral organizing in our toolbox, let’s invest in socialist candidates who are non-white and whose experiences/work are grounded in the communities they hope to serve & represent.

(Yes this tweet is about Joshua4Congress.)
And if all we have are mediocre and arrogant candidates who don’t campaign seriously?

Then we should instead be focusing our energies on meeting the immediate needs of the people around us. Mutual aid gets the goods.
It’s one thing to run for office & shitpost the entire time—whatever.

It’s an altogether different thing to collect donations from hardworking ppl & spend that money doing..what exactly? A paltry excuse of a field operation? Failing to get enough signatures to get on the ballot?
A winning strategy is not showing up to events in Seattle and ignoring the district that you’re running in.

A winning strategy is not burning bridges with left organizations that could’ve been potential allies.
It’s clear that Josh & his team simply have not done any of the work that’s necessary to build power for their constituents.

If they had, they would’ve recognized that calling for a rent strike with zero coordination with tenant/housing organizers is incredibly dangerous.
They’ve not done the work & their claims of being the “most militant” are incredibly disrespectful.

Such claims spit on the sacrifice of countless black, brown, and Indigenous organizers who have sacrificed their lives to improve the material conditions of their communities.
So, if Josh does decide to come back, his run 4 Congress will remain a joke.

P.S. the whole “CEO of Socialism” shtick was stupid.
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