I know more about living with a psycho than anyone should. You can ignore my advice if you choose, cause it isn't pleasant, but I know how to escape with my life and I'd like to share what I learned with you.
You can do far more with just your mindset than you realize.

Rule 1: Do not try to reason with an irrational person. It never, ever works. It inevitably results in frustration, producing exactly the emotional reaction psychos thrive on. They literally *gain energy* from your anger. It inspires them.

Rule 2: Fake it til you make it. What that means is, no matter how scared you are, HIDE IT. Showing fear to your aggressor *guarantees* his continued domination over you. Fear is the only power they actually have. If you can't overcome fear, you just fuckin *pretend*.

Yes, really. Acting as if you DGAF what they say or do is the only real weapon. Ignoring them is like starving them. Acknowledging the fear acknowledges their dominance. Refusing to give them the expected reaction confuses and *frightens* them. It's difficult but effective.

Rule 3: Never, ever beg for mercy. You do not ask your aggressor for help. Not ever. For one thing, you'll never get it. And you will reinforce the notion that you are helpless. Not only will your aggressor take note, so will everyone else who wants to exploit you.

What it mostly boils down to is the old adage "never let them see you sweat". The more fear you show, not just in regard to your aggressor, but fear in general, the more power you give them.

I know this all sounds impossible, given the situation.

I'm not saying don't be scared. It's perfectly reasonable. What I am saying is, every time you tweet as if he's a real president who could help us, you give credence to the idea that's what he is. Every time he sees you cower in fear, he gets off.

What he sees is a mass of terrified sheep. Do not act like a terrified sheep. He will eat us alive if he thinks he can.

Act like a very patient wolf.

We can't control his words or actions. What we *can* control to some degree is how he *perceives* us.

My abuser did not change. He was not arrested or imprisoned. He still roams free. But so do I.

In the course of learning the things I've listed, not only did I finally get free, but I developed skills that I now apply to all forms of aggression.

We'll be free of Trump eventually. But trust me, the GOP is not going back to rational politics. They've gone too far. Their future candidates will be more abusive psychos. If we can learn this psychology *now*, we'll be better prepared for the future.

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