1) The sheer number of people who unmasked, and the number of times, is stunning. Meanwhile, assume that black outs are intel people with a more "legit" call to unmask. And compare ratios. https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05-13%20ODNI%20to%20CEG%20RHJ%20%28Unmasking%29.pdf
2) Also look at timing. The McDonough (obama chief of staff) unmasking is Jan 5--same day as infamous Oval Office meeting. And Biden comes a whole week after that.
3) Also, let's note that Flynn conversation with Kislyak was last days of December 2016. Yet nearly every one of these unmasking requests came before that... The earliest (end Nov.) only about 10 days after Trump named Flynn NSA.
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