My work with the State of California for the last 5 years doing product strategy for a user-centered Child Welfare Service was surprise terminated yesterday because of COVID-19 budget cuts.

Ping me if you have anything me-shaped - my DMs are open; you can find me on LinkedIn too
What I'm good at:

* I'm really good at doing the hard work with managers and exec leaders to get to clear goals, the work of persuading and explaining why that's important, and also writing and presenting it clearly.
* I'm really good at breaking down an org's goals, strategy and tactics and how that translates into an actual product strategy, *plus* explaining that and bringing everyone onboard from bottom to top.
* I've done great work at Wieden+Kennedy, bringing user-centered, product and service design and game mechanics to their creative work as a Creative Director for clients like Nike, Coca-Cola and Facebook
* I'm *really* good at breaking your org's silos and getting everyone excited about understanding and meeting user needs (as well as internal business and stakeholder needs - still got to make money!). Not just in the abstract, but making it real.
* I co-founded @sixtostart of @ZombiesRunGame with my brother @adrianhon, where we made award-winning internet native storytelling -- bringing amazing writers together with brand new creative tech.
* I love doing using tech to bring out the best in people. I've made games that have built amazing online communities, made work for public service broadcasters like the BBC, at an ad agency for Facebook (yes, Facebook) and have done that in government and civic tech.
* Years ago, I put together a videogames-informed strategy for a private-equity funded reboot of a sport, from realtime athlete telemetry to onscreen graphics and researching original device manufacture.
* When I was Editorial Director at @codeforamerica, I ran content strategy, wrote RFP reviews and have co-chaired their summit for the last 3 years, putting together programming that's defined a brand new space in user-centered, delivery driven government.
I write:

* on responsible tech and the soul of the internet, and worked with @ryanmerkley at Creative Commons on a foundation proposal for changing the direction of tech so it works for everyone:

- so if you fund tech + society work, please reach out
Based on my work in videogames, I'm a full voting member of @BAFTA, so...

* if you work in games and you have projects on massive-scale, internet native games (e.g. @GoogleStadia, but not existing AAA) and location-based games like @NianticLabs get in touch.
... if you think the pandemic online trend combined w/Pokemon Go, escape rooms & immersive theater is just maybe an opportunity for the successor to alternate reality games / ARGs to come back, then get in touch.

(Person of Interest, the procedural location-based MMO anyone?)
You can follow @hondanhon.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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