Watching porn is cheating. I said what I said.
Let’s also not ignore the fact that the porn industry is directly linked to sex trafficking and deliberately profits off of the abuse of women and girls.
Or the fact that there’s a direct link between rapists and porn addictions—porn teaches that these things are okay.
Or the fact that watching porn has been observed to show that it doubles your risk of divorce.
OR the fact that lust is a sin. Sex is meant for your marriage. Once you start stepping away from your partner for sexual gratification, it’s a domino effect that leads to worse and worse behaviors.
Or what about the fact that porn is literally a drug that alters your brain.
There’s a reason once you start it you can’t stop and why after you watch it you feel gross and a little internal shame and immediately turn it off. It’s because you know it’s wrong and that’s the tea.
My rapist had a major porn addiction (as do most) and I have no doubt in my mind that porn contributed to his view of sex and of me. He saw me as an object to degrade and abuse because that’s what he learned through years of porn.
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