Just got off the phone with the union that represents Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) inspectors, including those who inspect Alberta's big beef packing plants. As of today, 40 CFIA inspectors have tested positive for Covid-19, including 21 in Alberta.
According to the union, there are 37 federal inspectors assigned to the Cargill beef packing plant in High River, near Calgary. Of those 37 inspectors, I'm told 18 were diagnosed with Covid-19.
The good news, is that among CFIA staff, there have been no fatalities to date, although at least one Alberta inspector was so sick they needed to be put on a ventilator.
Now, I'm an Alberta carnivore, the kind who has an I "heart" Alberta Beef magnet on her fridge. I was a journalist who covered the BSE crisis, so I know how proud Albertans are of their beef, and how important the beef industry is to Alberta's economy.
Cattlemen and feed lot operators face huge problems, if packing plants can't operate. I get that. But we need to be certain that the beef we send to the tables of Canadians is safe and properly inspected, by healthy, experienced inspectors, and up to federal standards.
I've sent a (pretty long) list of questions to Agriculture Canada/CFIA about these issues, and I hope to have a timely response. Because while Covid-19 isn't a food borne disease, we can't compromise the integrity of our food inspection system, nor put more workers in harms way.
Because while we can't catch Covid from a hamburger or steak, there are plenty of other health risks that CFIA inspectors watch for. And long-term, we do the beef industry no favours, if people don't have confidence in the beef we produce and eat.
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