The best thing about being a writer is I can go anywhere, anywhen, with anyone I like, everytime I sit down in front of my laptop. Seems even more magic these days. #writing
The worst thing is trying to justify the evenings, the weekends, the hours & hours I have to put into it, to loved ones (& to myself). It’s hard to treat it as a job when hardly any money ever comes in & the major things that are ALMOST happening, never really happen.
But it’s the page itself that keeps me going, never the end game. The joy of doing the work. The thousands upon thousands of words I’ve written on projects that no one will ever see are all part of it. There are no shortcuts, certainly not for me.
Anyway, I better go and write something. Disappear into The Other for awhile. Write for the joy, not the gain. That leads to dead ends.
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