1/ Every health issue needs to be looked at while also keeping society going as much as possible because lockdowns have massive downsides too: Spike in calls to suicide hotlines; ODs; domestic abuse (which is a cause of death for women) and lack of care on other issues.
2/ In fact, 1.4 MILLION healthcare jobs were wiped out in the US in April! Children’s development is damaged long term by keeping them away from school/friends for long. Why create all this death and destruction with the goal to keep deaths from one cause at zero? For example:
12 of the 21,845 Covid deaths in NY are under the age of 20. In England it is 11 from the first 22K Covid deaths. This is DATA showing the lower risk to children.

Context? 5,520 children under the age of 15 already died this year in the US; including 104 from Pneumonia. SOURCES:
4/ Once data established the lower death numbers to children relative to other ages and to other causes, the retort is “but children are carriers.”


A) It can happen now anyway.

B) 79% NY households don’t live with children udner 18 which means it does not effect most HHs.
“What about the Kawasaki disease-like issue?”

A) Take it serious.

B) If Covid is THE source why would it pop recently; not earlier?

C) Indeed, 40% NY cases don’t have Covid!

D) Per a study quoted by Fauci’s NIH, children with KD have less access to parks/trees (lockdowns?)
6/ Here is the link to the report by the NIH regarding Kawasaki. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5802431/

See this data point: 46% Children with KD live in a dwelling that was built less than 10 years ago.

I guess children stuck in such dwellings 22 hours daily due to lockdowns doesn’t help.
7/ In summary A: Implementing policy until we reach zero deaths is unattainable; certainly not when those policies create deaths! The NIH quotes studies that medical errors cause 251,000 deaths annually in the US! HUGE but we still go to doctors because zero deaths is impossible.
In Summary B: I don’t know what will be determined as the causes of the latest issue. But the data avail for NOW suggest that it may not be Covid-driven; it may be even be lockdown-driven! So it’s flawed to keeping pushing school lockdowns A) based on what we (don’t) know at this
point; B) based on the case count in a state of 5.5 MILLION children under the age of 18; C) based on the case count here relative to other health issues that despite being higher/worse don’t lead to prolonged lockdowns and D) based on all the downsides created by lockdowns.
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