I believe Dr. Fauci and think he’s done an amazing job. I also think he should be working in collaboration with others to discuss re-opening. You cannot deny the negative effects of keeping everything shutdown for months on end.
There has to be some give and take. He (Fauci) is working overtime to help us battle Covid-19, but we also need to be discussing how to re-open as safely as possible.

The same reason you don’t want doctors doing your taxes is at play here.
They have their expert field and their opinions need to be held in high regard while working with states to develop safe protocols.

There isn’t one enemy (Covid) here. The longer we keep people locked up, the more we will see other very serious issues arise.
Also, we are never going to social distance Covid into nonexistence, and vaccines are a long ways off. This current model is NOT sustainable. The point was to not overwhelm the healthcare system and give them time to build up their toolkits, if you will. We’ve done that.
Now is the time to start methodically re-opening, yes we will see increased cases that we should, by now, be well equipped to deal with. It’s not a “will we see spikes?” Yes, of course we will. But can we handle it? That’s the question.
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