🌸🌸Thread for new witches🌸🌸
I’ve been practicing witchcraft for a long ass time and want to share things that I’ve learned over the years. I don’t know how long this thread will be.
You can be a witch without being Wiccan! While Wicca is a valid path for some, it’s not the only path. There are so many ways to be a witch, this is not the only one. Wicca is an organized religion. Witchcraft is a practice. I am ex Wiccan.
No question is a bad or stupid question, my DMs are always open for witchy questions.
If you’re in a position where you can’t openly practice magick, there are ways to secretly practice. Sigils, tea, kitchen magick, glamours, gardening, etc.
You do not need all of the fancy tools and things you see online. You can make a lot of tools yourself. You don’t need anything to practice, just your energy and intent. But if there’s something you really really want, go for it.
Keeping a grimoire/bos is totally optional. I only keep track of tarot readings.
There are practices that are CLOSED. You cannot practice them unless you are born into them or invited, and sometimes invitations aren’t welcome. Please research something before you do it. DO NOT STEAL FROM OTHER CULTURES.
On the topic of stealing from others, you cannot smudge unless you are NA. You can smoke cleanse, but it’s not really the same. Look into other methods of cleansing, like salt sprays and incense, before you go to sage.
With sage, please only buy ethically sourced sage that way you are supporting cultures who can smudge. That sage you bought at Walmart? It probably won’t do the job as well. You can also grow your own.
Gods/Goddesses will show you signs when they want to work with you. If you feel super drawn to someone, start meditating on them or make them an altar. There are also spells you can do to find who is your patron. You do not need a god or goddess to practice.
Start thinking about what kind of magick you want to practice, what are you most drawn to? You can do many things or only one thing. There’s no “right way” to do magick.
Look into things like color correspondences, the wheel of the year, moon phases, grounding, and religions within witchcraft. These things might lead you onto the path you’re looking for! You don’t have to memorize these things, they’re just a starting point.
Do not give yourself witch guilt for not practicing.
Read into your zodiac! Your whole entire chart! (Cafeastrology is great for that)
You do not have to do tarot to be a witch, not every witch does it. You don’t have to do a lot of things to be a witch. Just be you.
If you join a coven and they start trying to dictate what/when you practice and who you worship, RUN. Covens are for support and guidance.
Demon magick, cursing, etc is valid. It’s all valid.
In the end, do what makes you happy and what makes you feel like your true self. Be open to learning new things and research properly. Never be afraid to ask questions.
You can follow @MaysTarot.
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