People on LetGo/OfferUp have no negotiation skills whatsoever. You list something for $400 and they go “$150. When can I pick it up”. Pick up this ass whooping nigga.
Or they’ll hit you with the “Is it still available?” and then you say yes and they NEVER RESPOND. Like bitch were you just being nosy or what???
I put a TV on OfferUp and some nigga hits me up talking about “What about the table the TV is on? Can I have that?” “I’m only selling the TV, the table isn’t mine” “Well its a nice table!” GO THE FUCK AWAY.
Anyway, while I’m ranting does anybody wanna buy a never-used bass? I accidentally double ordered when I got mine and now I need to get rid of one. It’s still wrapped up in the box and all (this one is mine). I’ll let it go for $350.
I should’ve known better. Fuck you people.
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