Treatment of Women in the South Asian community 🧵
I know this is a problem that is the case for all males, however this is very prevalent in the Asian community, particularly Southeast Asia. If we do not acknowledge the problem we give rise to a new generation of domestic abusers, rapists and enablers. Through generations of
patriarchal cultural practices, many men feel a sense of entitlement and superiority. This translates into a controlling, insecure man who feels his partner is an object and leads to many issues. How many women suffer in silence for fear of being alienated by their own community?
In India alone, statistics show 1/3 of women experience domestic violence as opposed to 7% in the UK. And many more are silenced due to it being a taboo issue in our culture. Gender based violence is one of the leading causes of intentional homicides in these countries.
Between 2011-15, 40,000 dowry-related deaths were recorded which is over 10 times the fatalities in Kashmir in the same time period. There are laws against domestic violence in these countries but there is also the psychological, emotional and verbal abuse these women suffer.
75%+ of women in these countries aren't protected against economic abuse, which is when a spouse has to depend on a partner financially for support and has no say in matters due to her own situation. This leads to physical violence and silencing.
Gender based abuse is multidimensional and can appear in many forms. The root of the issue is cultural taboo and societal gender bias. Sexual harrassment laws vary in scope and coverage behind closed doors. This same silence culture is brought over to other countries such as
the UK and instilled in women from birth.Nearly half of women in South Asia are married before the age of 18 and the region also has one of the highest rates for maternal deaths. Women make up less than 5% of the police force and less than 10% of judges. All of these issues are
linked together and aren't discussed enough. I know that there are laws in place and times are changing but there are still many insecure, emotional and desperate adolescent males who will grow into these abusers if their attitude doesn't change. Being spoon fed by their mothers
and wanting a partner to do everything for them leads to superiority complexes. The Prophet himself engaged in empowerment of women even in addressing "private" matters. "How does one of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and sleeps with her at night?" (Bukhari).
The Prophet did this by forbading sexual HARRASSMENT, EXPLOITATION and STALKING which still goes on today in many forms by males. The Quran gave women rights similar to Men and a say in family and community affairs. He established marriage without consent of bride is INVALID.
He elevated the status of Women that paradise lies beneath our mothers feet. How can you be unjust and manipulative towards women knowing you have sisters and mothers? He also declared someone who doesn't prefer sons over daughters will be with him in Paradise.
How can we tackle the issue? By first of all acknowledging it is an issue, ending the silence and lack of communication with Women. Making the faith connection, a man who is unjust and abusive (in any form) towards women is violating the Sunnah and Islam.
All these things above are directly linked together and can only be addressed if we acknowledge the problem. I realise my last post on the matter was immature and it wasn't in any way an attack on Asian males being one myself. I apologise for any offence caused by that.
It wasn't an attempt to gain female sympathy, it was an addressing of the problem albeit in a irresponsible way. If anyone wants to debate the issue they can always DM me politely and respectfully. Also i know the problem isn't just limited to South asian males/females however
This is a predominant issue for us and I do not know enough about other cultures to address them. I haven't deleted them as the jokers that insult me and hurl abuse at me would use this as a opportunity to take a "win". I had good intentions but this wasn't what others saw.
May Allah bless you all in the last 10 days of Ramadan, and i hope this has cleared up any confusion and again i apologise for any offence caused. I sincerely hope the youth of today can be educated in order to raise a better generation and progress as a community.
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