I channeled last night “what you seek is seeking you”....

UPDATE: that’s coming very soon for quite a few ppl.

I came across the tweet again and was definitely pulled to speak on it again. I’m hearing patience in just some days. Someone’s situation
Will be turned around greatly. I’m talking finances and love situation. I’m also seeing stagnant energy being uprooted so that can look like a few different things. I’m seeing someone will be taking a corrective course of action in changing themselves to get into alignment
With that thing or person they desire. I’m seeing a heavy positive outcome. The energy I’m feeling here is the manifestation of someone’s intentions. I’m literally feeling the energy of intention manifesting in your life. I’m also being shown the magician card to further confirm.
If you have been waiting for a while or feeling impatient, The Divine is letting you know “to fear not, help us on the way” .....that was suppose to say “fear not help is on the way” but I’m thinking that’s a message in and of itself
Somebody is literally about to reunion with their divine counterpart. Whether this is someone you’ve met already or have been connected to. I’m seeing their 5D energy is charging in with the Knight of Swords and The Chariot energy. This will take your breath away
For some reason I’m getting this feeling or vibe that reminds me of the movie “Ever After” with Drew Barrymore. What I’m seeing is a fairy tale wish come true. I’m now hearing “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes When Your Fast Asleep”. I’m channeling Disney’s Cinderella.
So what I am seeing is that this will be a fairy tale moment for you with this connection. This lover has been communicating with you through song and other telepathic messages. Synchronicity is highlighted here as well.
I’m feeling a heavy twin flame energy and I’m seeing this separation period is about to end for someone. I’m seeing 🌕 a grand’s so funny the moon emoji popped up while I was typing lol. I did definitely say someone would be coming into Union after the full moon.
The Divine is rewarding your patience and your strength. What you seek has been seeking you, Divine Timing is here, the time for this new love chapter to begin its blossom is here 💖✨😭

And they lived...

Happily Ever After
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