This is a strange way to start a thread, but I'm going to tell you a hilarious story about socks. Yes, really. 🧦 (1/?)
So for the last two weeks or so, the washer/dryer in our apartment hasn't been working right. And by "not working right," I mean "not washing clothes." The clothes at the top of the washing machine would be bone dry, the clothes at the bottom would be sopping wet. (2/?)
The washing machine wasn't spinning all the excess water out of the clothes and was leaving stuff at the top completely unwashed.

Maintenance at our building is "emergencies only" right now to avoid exposing workers to #COVID19 (totally get it), but this was a big deal. (3/?)
Today, the maintenance man knocks on my door. Real nice guy, masked up, kind of hard to understand what he was saying. He heads to the bathroom where the washer/dryer is in our place and turns it on to see what the deal is.

"I think I know what's up, hold on," he says. (4/?)
The maintenance man proceeds to pull the front off of the washer, get on the floor, and start digging under the wash bucket part of the machine.

"The belt's off," he says. "It got stuck on all of this stuff." He keeps reaching under the washer to pull things out. (5/?)
He keeps reaching until finally he pulls out this gigantic pile. This, right here, is what broke our washer: About a year's worth of missing socks. (6/?)
So, TL;DR of this thread is that no, you are not crazy, and yes, your washing machine is eating all of your socks. (7/)
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