things have to be cleared and the truth revealed. we didn't want to post this at first, but seeing how the situation grew big, it is better to explain everything and clear out things. ao here is a thread that took days to make in order to show the truth.
the rumors started the 25th-26th april, a french person posted saying that they saw j/k in a b@r and that he paid a ‘sh0t’ to everyone. later on. when the person got called out for lying. they changed their username before deactivating.
we will not pronounce our statement on this, as it does not prove they lied or no and this isn't the main issue.
the situation by then didnt blow up and a lot of people didnt know about it until the 27th april when an account posted about the rumor saying that they met J/K in the b@r etc…
then the situation started to blow up and to be spread as many people/antis started to rt the post, like it and tweet about it. J/K searches started to be a mess and got more people curious about the situation.
when the person who started the rum0r saw that it took bigger proportions, they posted an apology saying it was all lies and rumors and jokes. since i saw that many of you love posting speculations without proofs
now about the conversations. why would you believe a screenshot that can easily be fakes. look jack b@e asked you to stream DNA.
on a more serious note. it looks completely fake. the profile picture is not the same ‘ oh but they could have changed it ‘ . yes right that's a possibility, but there's no proofs of screenshot of the b@r instagram with that profile picture.
The vid on insta that ppl are using as "evidence" posted by the person shows only a woman and no sign of J/k's presence except the captions which were changed.
Maybe cuz it was groundless assumptions or he was using j/k for clout before? The guy's friend also claimed it was false on twt.

Now another claim by an exchange student who apparently claimed she saw j/k but here's another vid of her explanation.
then people started sharing this picture hiding the face of the man saying ‘j/k was here’ but once the uncensored picture was revealed people started saying ‘ oh i never claimed the man was j/k i just said he was here’. then why did you hide ONLY that man face ?
alright more. when army started proving some people wrong the argument that was used are ‘ oh maybe its just a rum0r by BH should deny it’ ‘ oh maybe op apologized just because they were attacked’.
first let me tell you that BH have more to do than deny something started as joke to please ⅔ people. and the accusation of the op deleting the post is just speculations. no one forced no one. stop trying to frame anyone at all costs.
and go upvote this article
some might not agree with this thread to be posted. but it is in the drafts since the 25th. we didn’t want to post it because the situation was NOT serious and we made r3d al3rts for it. but now it took way bigger proportion that it had be cleared
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