Some thoughts on Anthony Fauci, the responsibility of experts, and #COVIDー19, which begin with this thought from former conservative pundit, @secupp (A thread)
That prompted this response from @molratty, a woman I don't know personally, but who's thoughts I greatly respect, though I do not always agree.
The exchange raises an interesting question: what is an expert and what is their responsibility in a given situation?
Dr. Fauci is certainly more knowledgeable about viruses and diseases than I will ever be. I am not a virus expert. However, to continue to assert that his responses to questions or issues are viable, or even coherent, seems increasingly debatable.
Take his exchange with Senator Alexander, wherein Fauci asserted that the ramifications of children missing school, meals, and socialization was "not his responsibility"
One does not need to be a medical expert to know that this assertion is laughable. Doctors helping patients make treatment decisions must account for byproducts and side-effects. It's why you don't get a lobotomy if you tell your gp you've been feeling a little depressed
Dr. Fauci is continually looked to as an expert, which he by all accounts is, yet he continues to give irresponsible, doomsday predictions. His assertion that large public gatherings need to be shelved for the considerable future is not only contrary to human nature, it's not
socially healthy. Humans are social, active creatures. This is not taken into account whenever Dr. Fauci speaks. Moreover, when he does present possible solutions, they are not tenable.
Fauci has repeatedly asserted that the virus will never be eradicated and that a vaccine may be a long time off. At that point, he throws up his hands and says "oh well, brave new world"
This is not the answer of an expert. This is not even the answer of a serious non-expert. It is the answer of a one trick pony.
Life must go on. That Dr. Fauci cannot give serious answers about policy does not discount his medical knowledge. However, any doctor who chooses to operate in a void is not a serious practitioner, and needs to have their voice reduced in your life.
More broadly, experts must be able to extrapolate beyond their field to be useful. They must understand that their field is not unto itself.
In 1855, Franklin Pierce wrote that "the Constitution must survive against this storm of fury" He was referencing violent sectional divides which would erupt 5 years later. However, we might be well advised to heed his words, lest our lives be destroyed by the storm of expertise.
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