astrology & drug use

******cw: this thread will discuss *addiction as well as *recreational drug use. this is not a placement based thread. here we’re gonna unpack how to look at drugs through the planets & how that could impact us.
shoutout to @byprieta for the question that got me thinking on this.

I am not endorsing drug use with this thread its just something i wanted to speak on as someone who has done a lot of drugs growing up, but doesnt anymore.
seriously, lets be adults and discuss this complex topic
obviously Neptune is the most obvious place to look for drug usage. Escapism, “tripping”, its all right up neptune’s ally. but its waaaaay more complicated than that because out motivations and preferences on drugs are more complicated.
The Moon: emotions

mood stabilizers, psychotropics, hormone therapy all literally impact our emotional reactions and self image. but even when we take non-pharmaceuticals, we can change our emotional state, or alter our emotional reactions (intentionally or not)
im thinking moon-related drugs are the mood stabilizers, drinking alcohol, smokin weed/taking a xanax to calm down.
Mercury: communications

amphetamines help us focus and comm. better. but also! taking drugs changes perceptions to our immediate environment. the way you’re able to communicate your ideas and relate to others changes, for better or worse. “drunk minds speak sober thoughts”?
Mars: physicality

literally, physical dependence. also: drugs make our bodies feel different. this is obvious. mdma seems the most obvious representative of Martian drug use. people use all kinds of drugs to make sex better/more enjoyable/easier. penis pills, poppers
Venus: relationships

this one is very nuanced. immediately, i think of how romanticized drug use is in media and online. then i think of how drug use impacts our inimate relationships. how overuse can hurt them and how certain drugs can make it easier (when taken as prescribed)
Jupiter: expansion

lots of people take drugs to “expand their minds” spiritually or religiously. drugs like DMT/Ayahuasca are used in many important sacred religious practices across many varied indigenous practices.

also, taking acid or shrooms and “tripping”
Saturn: boundaries

this one is also very nuanced!!! here we can see a decision to do or not do drugs (in any context). knowing/not knowing when to stop. rehab. Mars & saturn both being malefic, maybe here we see the more negative side to drugs.
Here i wanna add a bit about Medical astrology. only the traditional planets (the ones i just discussed) are used. im not an expert on medical astrology by any means, but i think it’s significant that maybe the modern rulers are related more to recreational drug use than medical
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