Imagine calling a person you've never met or spoken with names like pedophile or rapist day after day after day with literally no evidence.

Terfs and transphobes log onto twitter and do exactly that to trans women every day.

THAT, my friends, is a lifestyle choice.
I survived 2 years of CSA by literal grooming pedophiles, totally separate from the traumas I've experienced in my youth AND adulthood from *being trans.*

And these people want to drop into my threads to call me these names? In the name of “protecting women?” Disgusting.

...which makes me feel the need to say this just once.

We often say “protect trans kids” by affirming them, but we must protect them from groomers as well.

My feminine behaviors were exploited in the grooming. I was targeted because of my vulnerability.


I'm squishy now about using the word "groomer" because all these garbage people who’ve dedicated their lives to transphobia have weaponized it against our community, even though WE are targeted by…groomers!

Their actions protect *actual* groomers.

Fuck transphobes

I know nobody wants to read about the shit in this thread, but every now and then I'm gonna ask you to. Please. For unity, for hope, for understanding, for perspective, for empathy, for spark and drive to help make things change. ❤️
annnd…i just reported the first person stopping by to say LGBTQ people have been "proven” to be groomers and "statistitics don't lie.”

Some days I don't even want to tweet about important things like this because I know the garbage I'll have to take out.
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