been reading through the MCB submission to the EHRC. It's really bad. A lot of it I knew already, a fair amount I didn't. But even the stuff I already knew hits harder when it's all laid out there in full.

Definitely worth reading for yourself:
The obvious point but how can this not be worthy of independent investigation for example?
Some claim the problem isn't institutional... well, the Tories only investigation of an MP for Islamophobia was of Johnson's comments about women wearing the burka which actually cleared him and concluded he was "respectful and tolerant"
Zac Goldsmith's islamophobic campaign should have ended his career, but he is now rewarded by a seat in the lords, having faced no censure.
still a sitting MP:
The Minister for mental health:
Let me remind you that the christchurch killers manifesto begins:

"it's the birthrates
it's the birthrates
it's the birthrates"
Honestly Gove gets off extremely lightly here, there's plenty of other evidence of Goves views, including his positive reviews of Douglas Murrays books
Duel loyalty tropes anyone?
Hard to see this as anything but institutional coverup of Islamophobia
This..... is just straight up revolting white supremacists language
Clear signs that the party culture does not allow people to speak up about it.
imagine having these results about your organisation and not taking it seriously.
staggering numbers of islamophobic councillors, I'll just tweet some lowlights (what I have tweeted so far is not exhaustive either, definitely worth reading the document yourself if you have the time and want to get a sense of the scale)
This is chloe Westerly, special advisor to the PM (heading cut off on the other page), it's worse than this though, when she was caught out on this she said she hadn't read the article, these screenshots show that is implausible, but the Tories clearly accepted it h/t @hughster
This is how the document concludes, and I have nothing really to add, it really is astounding that anyone could deny the scale of the problem.
The above screenshots are just a small portion of the examples, there are hundreds of others I would advise people to take a look through if they really want to get a sense of the scale.
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