Sonic yesterday called 99% of the NRS community trash. Here's what I think:

If you think it includes you, it probably does. Instead of being offended, work harder.

I mentioned yesterday people would rather complain then actually learn how to use training mode. Fix that please.
The FIRST THING most of y'all do when you see something strong is complain about it.

You also complain about character difficulty. When you dont understand how to deal with something you also complain first.

This why i have most of the game muted. STFU and go to training mode
This is my favorite part:

*Complains about something they think is broke*: Picks it up and plays it

*Loses with said broke shit, complains and says its not that good. Picks something else thats broke to repeat the cycle.*

Did you ever ONCE think that losing was your fault?
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