You are not an “ally” (or co-conspirator, or advocate, or whatever word y’all using this week) if you are too scared to stand up to whiteness when it harms people.
If you care more about maintaining solidarity with and benefitting from whiteness, I don’t want to see you shed a single white tear when you “see” racism happening someplace that it costs you little to nothing to speak out about.

Now let me make it real plain...
Your likes,retweets, book buying, “listening and learning,” and all that stuff that y’all be doing to try to show that you’re not racist don’t mean spit if, the minute whiteness rears its head, you default to white solidarity instead of aligning yourself with marginalized people.
Some of y’all will claim to be with us, but as soon as your boss, co-worker, Professor, spouse, family member, pastor, club president, community leader, librarian, or any other white individual with power in your world does a racism you side with them with your silence.
Y’all will let your favorite racist crap all over us and then you will have the caucasity to shed figurative and literal tears when we are removed from the situation (either by our own hand or forced out) that you could’ve opened your mouth about.
Y’all will “feel bad” that something happened but not do anything to confront perpetrators because you care more about submitting to the white supremacist power structure in your context than you do black freedom.
Y’all will make promises that you will “do everything in your power” to “fight racism,” but then literally ghost us when the crap hits the fan. When whiteness demands you abide by a code of silence, you will readily oblige...friendships and alliances be damned.
Being anti-racist isn’t about what you say you will do, it’s about what you actually do when the time comes to disrupt racism.
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