Re. our current struggles with the overnight transition to K-12 remote learning, it would seem that the chickens of a system built almost entirely on extrinsic motivation are very much coming home to roost. 🐔 #nced
Our system teaches students that the number at the end of the course--not the learning itself--is the goal. COVID-19 has taken numeric grades away in my district, quite rightly as we're having trouble guaranteeing equitable access under these conditions. #nced
Unsurprisingly, student engagement has plummeted.
Intrinsic motivation depends on strong classroom relationships and culture, accountability to each other and to ourselves, shared decision making, enthusiasm/wonder for class content, clear relevance of subject matter to students' lives. #nced
Good teachers use those factors and more to build intrinsic motivation, get student buy in and create a meaningful, lasting learning experience.

IMHO our ability to make remote learning effective will depend largely on how well we're able to bridge this gap. #nced
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