The fact that some of you are calling others fake buddies and saying you're gonna revoke their buddy cards just because of a meme or because they don't like a few songs out of almost 90 gf have in their discography...
I'm not talking about the worst b-side cup I am not participating on that I'm just talking about the damn meme and the fact that some of y'all can't accept the fact that you can dislike a song of your faves yes it's possible believe me and there's nothing wrong with it.
Like it's not that deep. No, no one is a worse buddy because they don't adore every GFriend song, we all have preferences. It was a meme, it wasn't even serious. Why are you so sensitive and why are you trying to cancel other buddies for stating their opinion over songs?
You act as if we're gonna hurt the girls' feelings when they surely have some songs they dislike as well... Stop being so biased I swear if someone doesn't like a few songs it doesn't mean they're less of a buddy it just means they have an opinion jfc.
Also it was a meme! Not serious! It's not that we want any GFriend song to disappear? It's not that we're saying their discography is bad? "Don't you dare call yourself a buddy" well yeah I dare because I am a buddy even if I don't like Sweety and what are you gonna do about it?
You act as if we were shitting on the girls or something or as if we couldn't have different taste??? It's not as if gf wrote those songs anyways (except for Hope, who is a queen and deserves nothing but love and respect), now we can't even have fun in STAN TWITTER? Pls.
Some of you are too sensitive when we're all joking around. You're gonna make people stop giving their opinions (not me tho for sure) because you want to cancel and even report them??? For an opinion??? Yes I've read tweets saying you're gonna report them like what the hell.
At the end of the day we love GFriend and we love their discography (yes not liking a few songs doesn't mean shit) and we support them and vote for them and stream their music. So that's what matters. Are you gonna cancel us because of a meme now?
Go and fight antis instead or whoever drags a title track during promotions. Because even if there's a title track I don't especially like, I support it during promotions, and still that doesn't mean I have to love every single song. It's not that hard to understand.
I was not going to talk but I've seen more and more tweets and I'm not gonna let others tell me if I'm a buddy or not because of a damn meme. Like who are you to tell others if they're a fake fan? Are you the police of Twitter or...?
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