One thing I havent heard mentioned is what we should expect to see w/regard to a rise in theft crimes bc of reduced income. Stealing, maybe, just to feed a family, out of desperation. Despair can cause a person who isn't violent to become so. It's not a stretch to *understand*
I caught flak for saying I understood people wanting so desperately to come out of lockdown, as if empathy was condoning the behavior; some even likened it to a moral failure on my part. If being able to understand their frustration is a crime then count me guilty, bc I get it.
That same empathy allows me to be prepared for a rise in criminality that isn't a *possibility* as much as it's an eventuality. Too, those resorting to crime can rationalize it as a means of survival & they won't blame #COVID19 they'll blame leadership. That's where FOX gets in.
That's when FOX blames, not the motherfucker who spent two months in denial on his own fucking golf courses--pocketing our tax $--lying that it was "under control", and that China was being helpful; they're going to blame Democrats. The penultimate target will be Nancy Pelosi.
But the rebel base will be @JoeBiden
No matter the fact he isn't and won't be empowered to effect a change unless he wins this November. It's enough to imply that--for FOX--if he wins, Biden will continue to "impinge" on Constitutionally protected "freedom" in some power grab.
Another example of their pathological desire to resurrect irony for the sole purpose of killing it again. If it becomes readily apparent that 45 will lose, he's gonna incite the weapon-toting, cock envy Army to come to his defense; desperation will be fuel for fires he started.
Hey, I could be wrong. Really. But I'm erring on caution's side and I've never had a thousand rounds of ammunition in my house before; I'm not being alarmist. I'm being realistic. I realize that some people will become desperate; some are listening to a pyromaniac w/a lit match.
They're a puddle of gasoline just waiting for the match to tell them when it's time to become the conflagration that fucking pyromaniac needs and wants them to be. As I said, I could be wrong. Caution tells me not to expect it, but to understand what might happen; I'm listening.
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