Right-wingers are doing exactly what they did in 2016: gaming Twitter’s trending topics
And I really don't know how many times this needs to be said:

STOP USING HASHTAGS TO DISAGREE WITH THE HASHTAGS. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Ridiculous hashtag "resist" Twitter accounts are constantly doing this, and it 's extremely stupid.
Want to make a joke about how ridiculous it is that something is trending? THEN TAKE A SCREENSHOT. Don't use the hashtag itself. Jesus f-ing Christ, people.
*sigh* https://twitter.com/AlexMLeo/status/1260586380901732353
Stop doing stupid shit 2020 challenge
Also, and this is only tangentially related: STOP GOING, "A-HA! IT STARTED TRENDING AT [WHATEVER] MOSCOW TIME!" or some crap. Just stop it. You sound ridiculous.
Here, read @AlKapDC's tweet. These are the accounts you're promoting when you tweet with one of their hashtags: https://twitter.com/AlKapDC/status/1260586987641323520
Because what happens is that these accounts tweet something, they get their network to boost it, it trends... and then after a bunch of resistance libs jump in to tweet the hashtag with the photo of Obama and Clinton laughing or some other played out meme, it trends more.
What does Twitter take away from this? It concludes that the goofy qanon accounts or whatever that were early on the trend are influential and their algorithm factors it in accordingly.
You are not "taking over" their hashtag. You are not "co-opting" their hashtag. You are not "reclaiming" their hashtag.

All you're doing is you're teaching Twitter's algorithm that the accounts early on that trend are important and influential. So stop it.
You can follow @ParkerMolloy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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