oh my loves, it is possible to have a conversation about the gendered inequalities of domestic labour and still not require working class women to visit multiple houses and use public transport during a pandemic
also: if your concern is that your cleaner is struggling for money in the pandemic, why are you not still paying your cleaner's wages?
maybe direct some of this weird energy towards the male partner you live with and his failure to pick up fifty per cent of the domestic labour, rather than trying to force working class women into unsafe situations in the name of """feminism"""
(it is possible to employ a cleaner fairly AND recognise that domestic labour falls mostly on women AND recognise that women who clean for money are mostly working class & paid by women who are middle class AND recognise that men aren't scrutinised for these choices)
it is also possible to find a male partner who cleans, you know? the only time I touch our vacuum cleaner is to move it out of the way so that I can I sit down at my desk to do some writing
like, maybe some of you just need... better husbands
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