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Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
It is my duty to send condolences to all Muslims for the martyrdom of Imam Ali (a.s.). It is on the morning of the 19th of Ramadan that the Imam of the Muslims was hit on his head with a poisonous sword in the house of Allah during the month of Allah.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
The person who did this act was of the very first takfiris, and this incident is still represented today. We still see the same mentality today in many places such as what happened recently in Afghanistan where terrorists killed innocent civilians.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
I should also congratulate all nurses and doctors on their international day and for all that they have accomplished so far.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
I renew my congratulations and condolences to the family of the martyr, his mother, wife, daughters, his son Ali, siblings, and his entire family who spent several years in jihad and in the service of Allah swt.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
We should always remember the traits of our martyrs in order to learn from them and imitate them. Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine was known for his strong will and firmness in all situations.
Sayyed #Nasrallah:
He, alongside our other great martyred leaders of the Resistance, were known for having trust in Allah swt & remaining optimistic at all times. We have experienced very difficult wars for tens of years & many wanted to end this Resistance, but he remained firm.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
He was a military commander at the end of the 90s when the israelis targeted Lebanon in the operation "grapes of wrath" in April, in which they committed several massacres, attacked many villages, and threatened to end the presence of the Resistance.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
The israelis failed to accomplish any of their goals in this operation and the Resistance was victorious, which also led to the greater victory on the 25th of May 2000, which we will be celebrating in a couple of days inshallah.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Another experience with Sayyed Thulfiqaar is in the Syrian war in which he fought alongside several Resistance leaders and groups from several countries.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Syria was targeted in the cursed "Arab spring" because Syria always stood firmly before American imperialism and refused to surrender before any stress applied on it or to normalize relations with the Zionists or abandon al-Quds or give up the Golan.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
This war was supported by several Arab nations who are now repeating the same scenario in Libya and Yemen. If you claim to be heartbroken for the Syrian people, why are you repeating the same actions in Libya and Yemen now?
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Many people were betting on the fall of Syria within the first couple of months of the war and were telling us that we are making sacrifices that will go in vain. They were trying to bring us to despair.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Sayyed Thulfiqar, from the very first days of the war on Syria, fought alongside martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani. Together, they were planning, thinking, and fighting. Sayyed Thulfiqar firmly believed that victory was coming.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Hundreds of billions of Arab dollars were spent on this war. The dollar is an American currency, but it was spent by the Arabs. If only this money would have been spent on the people of this region to save them from poverty and illiteracy...
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
They spent this money on tons of weapons, and now they have fallen into deficit facing the corona pandemic.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Part of the psychological war being waged is claiming that Syria's allies will abandon it now, claiming that Iran now is facing its own problems and doesn't have the time for Syria. Those people are only dreaming and saying nonsense.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Western media even claimed that Russia and Iran are battling over gaining power over Syria. Iran, Hezbollah, and all other Resistance groups from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan -yes, those groups came to Syria to fight alongside the Syrian army-
the only concern of those groups is protecting Syria's sovereignty and its position and stance in the Arab world.
Sayyed #Nasrallah:
The Zionists have realized their plan has failed after their defeat in Syria. The best proof is southern Syria which was dominated by terrorist groups, which left through the occupied lands of the Zionist entity. We would never forget their buses at night!
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
Now that they have failed, the Zionists are using precision guided missiles against Syria. The Zionists are terrified of what happened in Syria & this is leading them to take measures that could cost them a lot in the future. They are acting out of fear.
Sayyed #Nasrallah:
Another dim-witted claim the Zionists made is that of their war minister ("defense" minister) where he claimed that they will end Iran's presence in Syria by the end of 2020. Please count how many months are left for the end of 2020. Let's see what will happen.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
The israelis created a nonexistent target. They want to end Iran's military presence in Syria, but Iran has only sent consultants to Syria and not large forces and troops. They are fighting an illusion.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
This is similar to what the Americans did when they said they wanted to prevent Iran from manufacturing nuclear weapons, when Iran does not have and does not even care to manufacture nuclear weapons.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
When we returned some of our troops to Lebanon, after arranging with the Syrian army and because we have made victories there, the israelis made it seem like we were abandoning Syria and escaping the war.
Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah:
The reality is that, we will be where we are needed to be. If there is no need for us to be in Syria in great numbers, then we should return to our main frontline in South Lebanon. The israelis continue to lie and misguide people.
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